How often are email signatures updated?

The update frequency is as follows:

  • Outlook (Windows), Outlook (Mac) and Apple Mail (Mac) are updated every hour (by default).
  • Outlook on the web (Office 365) updates are pushed every 60 minutes.
  • Gmail for Work (Google Apps) updates are pushed every 60 minutes.

How does it work on a PC?

The Xink Client reads the server side parameters on start, OR when you click “Update Now” and automatically as per the synchronization interval setting.

If it detects any changes, it applies them.

If you have hibernated the PC, it restarts the synchronization cycle when it wakes up - i.e. no need to restart.

How does it work on a Mac?

The Xink App reads the server side parameters on start, on “Update Signature” and automatically as per the synchronization interval setting.

If it detects any changes, it notifies the user.

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