All Active Directory (AD) fields on premises can populate data.
Below you find a list of standard fields and AD fields that are mapped per default.
Fields outside the default AD Schema need special mapping using /field switch - Example #5.
Extension attributes (extensionAttribute1, extensionAttribute2 etc) are also supported.
The complete list of Microsoft documentation.
If you want to add your own custom fields, you just need to tell Xink the LDAP name of the field and the field gets populated.
LDAP Name | Display Name |
accountExpires | |
accountNameHistory | |
aCSPolicyName | |
adminCount | |
adminDescription | |
adminDisplayName | |
allowedAttributes | |
allowedAttributesEffective | |
allowedChildClasses | |
allowedChildClassesEffective | |
altSecurityIdentities | |
assistant | Assistant |
badPasswordTime | |
badPwdCount | |
bridgeheadServerListBL | |
c | Country Abbreviation |
canonicalName | |
cn | Name |
co | Country |
codePage | |
comment | Comment |
company | Company |
controlAccessRights | |
countryCode | |
createTimeStamp | |
dBCSPwd | |
defaultClassStore | |
department | Department |
description | Description |
desktopProfile | |
destinationIndicator | |
directReports | Direct Reports |
displayName | Display Name |
displayNamePrintable | |
distinguishedName | X500 Distinguished Name |
division | Division |
dSASignature | |
dSCorePropagationData | |
dynamicLDAPServer | |
employeeID | Employee ID |
extensionName | |
facsimileTelephoneNumber | Fax Number |
flags | |
fromEntry | |
frsComputerReferenceBL | |
fRSMemberReferenceBL | |
fSMORoleOwner | |
garbageCollPeriod | |
generationQualifier | Generational Suffix |
givenName | First Name |
groupMembershipSAM | |
groupCnList | Groups |
groupPriority | |
groupsToIgnore | |
homeDirectory | Home Folder |
homeDrive | Home Drive |
homePhone | Home Phone |
homePostalAddress | Home Address |
info | Notes |
initials | Initials |
instanceType | |
internationalISDNNumber | International ISDN Number (Others) |
ipPhone | Direct Phone |
isCriticalSystemObject | |
isDeleted | |
isPrivilegeHolder | |
l | City |
lastKnownParent | |
lastLogoff | |
lastLogon | |
legacyExchangeDN | |
lmPwdHistory | |
localeID | |
lockoutTime | |
logonCount | |
logonHours | |
logonWorkstation | |
E-Mail Address | |
managedObjects | |
manager | Manager |
masteredBy | |
maxStorage | |
memberOf | Group Membership |
mhsORAddress | |
middleName | Middle Name |
mobile | Mobile Number |
modifyTimeStamp | |
mS-DS-ConsistencyChildCount | |
mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid | |
mS-DS-CreatorSID | |
mSMQDigests | |
mSMQDigestsMig | |
mSMQSignCertificates | |
mSMQSignCertificatesMig | |
msNPAllowDialin | |
msNPCallingStationID | |
msNPSavedCallingStationID | |
msRADIUSCallbackNumber | |
msRADIUSFramedIPAddress | |
msRADIUSFramedRoute | |
msRADIUSServiceType | |
msRASSavedCallbackNumber | |
msRASSavedFramedIPAddress | |
msRASSavedFramedRoute | |
name | |
netbootSCPBL | |
networkAddress | |
nonSecurityMemberBL | |
ntPwdHistory | |
nTSecurityDescriptor | |
o | |
objectCategory | |
objectClass | |
objectGUID | |
objectSid | |
objectVersion | |
operatorCount | |
otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber | Fax Number (Others) |
otherHomePhone | Home Phone (Others) |
otherIpPhone | IP Phone Number (Others) |
otherLoginWorkstations | |
otherMailbox | E-Mail Address (Others) |
otherMobile | Mobile Number (Others) |
otherPager | Pager Number (Others) |
otherTelephone | Phone Number (Others) |
otherWellKnownObjects | |
ou | |
pager | Pager Number |
partialAttributeDeletionList | |
partialAttributeSet | |
personalTitle | Title |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName | Office Location |
possibleInferiors | |
postalAddress | |
postalCode | ZIP/Postal Code |
postOfficeBox | Post Office Box |
preferredDeliveryMethod | |
preferredOU | |
primaryGroupID | |
primaryInternationalISDNNumber | International ISDN Number |
primaryTelexNumber | Telex Number |
profilePath | |
proxiedObjectName | |
proxyAddresses | |
pwdLastSet | |
queryPolicyBL | |
registeredAddress | |
replPropertyMetaData | |
replUpToDateVector | |
repsFrom | |
repsTo | |
revision | |
rid | |
sAMAccountName | Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) |
sAMAccountType | |
scriptPath | |
sDRightsEffective | |
securityIdentifier | |
seeAlso | |
serverReferenceBL | |
servicePrincipalName | |
showInAddressBook | |
showInAdvancedViewOnly | |
sIDHistory | |
siteObjectBL | |
sn | Last Name |
st | State/Province |
street | |
streetAddress | Street Address |
subRefs | |
subSchemaSubEntry | |
supplementalCredentials | |
systemFlags | |
telephoneNumber | Telephone Number |
teletexTerminalIdentifier | |
telexNumber | Telex Number (Others) |
terminalServer | |
textEncodedORAddress | |
thumbnailLogo | |
jpegPhoto | Photo |
title | Job Title |
tokenGroups | |
tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal | |
tokenGroupsNoGCAcceptable | |
unicodePwd | |
url | Web Page Address (Others) |
userAccountControl | |
userCert | |
userCertificate | |
userParameters | |
userPassword | |
userPrincipalName | Logon Name |
userSharedFolder | |
userSharedFolderOther | |
userSMIMECertificate | |
userWorkstations | Logon Workstations |
uSNChanged | |
uSNCreated | |
uSNDSALastObjRemoved | |
USNIntersite | |
uSNLastObjRem | |
uSNSource | |
wbemPath | |
wellKnownObjects | |
whenChanged | |
whenCreated | |
wWWHomePage | Web Page Address |
x121Address |