How to turn off the email signature when sending a meeting invitation

By default, the default email signature will show when sending a meeting invitation.

The end users can untick it if they don't need it, and IT can disable it company-wide for all users.

IT Pro: How to turn off company-wide (manifest version)

The add-in manifest version is required since you need to modify the XML.
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The checkbox still shows but won't have any effect.

  1. Save a copy of your manifest XML before modifying it.
  2. Remove the below 2 elements from the manifest XML to turn off auto-insert for appointments:

    <LaunchEvent Type="OnNewAppointmentOrganizer"          
    FunctionName="insertDefaultSignature" />

    <LaunchEvent Type="OnAppointmentFromChanged"
    FunctionName="onMessageFromChanged" />
  3. Deploy the updated manifest XML (remember it takes ~8+ hours).

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