Using OData filters are flexible when filtering Azure AD users for larger organizations.
Microsoft API supported filters
Property Name | Type |
accountEnabled | Boolean |
city | String |
country | String |
department | String |
displayName | String |
givenName | String |
jobTitle | String |
mail | String |
mailNickname | String |
onPremisesImmutableId | String |
proxyAddresses | String collection |
state | String |
surname | String |
usageLocation | String |
userPrincipalName | String |
userType | String |
For more details about these properties, click on the Microsoft link below and search 'Supports $filter'. Only the properties marked with 'Supports $filter' are supported in Microsoft Graph API.
Logical Operators
The logical operators supported are shown in the following table.
eq | Equal | city eq 'Atlanta' |
and | Logical and | city eq 'Atlanta' and city eq 'London' |
or | Logical or | city eq 'Atlanta' or city eq 'London' |
startswith | Starts with | startswith(mail, 'administrator@') |
Note: The following $filter operators are not supported for Azure AD resources: ne, gt, ge, lt, le, and not. The contains string operator is currently not supported on any Microsoft Graph resources. See Microsoft Reference.
OData examples
Return all users in one country.
country eq 'United Kingdom'
Return all users in from multiple countries
country eq 'New Zealand' or country eq 'Australia' or country eq 'NZ' or country eq 'AU'
Returns all users that are enabled from multiple cities and multiple departments
accountEnabled eq true and (department eq 'Marketing' or department eq 'HR' or department eq 'IT Support' or department eq 'Customer Services' or city eq 'Atlanta' or city eq 'New york' or city eq 'Los Angeles')
Returns certain users within a Department that are enabled.
accountEnabled eq true and department eq 'Technology' and (startswith(jobTitle,'IT') or startswith(jobTitle,'Technology'))
Returns all users with city equal to London or New York
city eq 'London' or city eq 'New York'
General filter that will returns only user accounts that are not disabled and has job title
accountEnabled eq true
Learn more:
IT Pro: How to filter users in Azure AD using Client-Side.
IT Pro: How to Sync Custom Attribute of Azure AD to Xink Portal (Hybrid AAD)
OData expression syntax for filters and order-by clauses in Azure Search: