Design and preview your first email signature

If you already have an email signature, you can easily reuse it, and of course, you can always modify it later. You can upload any email signature from your inbox. So if you got a great-looking signature from one of your contacts, you could upload and modify it to meet your style guide.

This guide will teach you how to create a new email signature.
How to design a new signature

Click the SIGNATURES menu and then the '+' button:

You don't need an email signature for each of your employees. Instead, you create a template using fields

You use fields to merge employee information so you don't have to create an email signature for each employee. 


If all employees are in the same location, and you want to show your company address, you don't have to update the address for all employees.

Instead, you write your company address in your email signature and only use fields for Name, Tel., Email etc.

How to preview

Click the SIGNATURES menu and open the design:

Click Preview and select the employee from the drop-down list:

  • Preview does not 100% simulate your design on all email clients. 
  • Preview is your first test which helps you identify apparent errors.
  • You test OK in different email clients before you launch company-wide.

How to upload and insert an image

We don't recommend using any 3rd party sites to host signature images.

Upload all images to Xink - that's the official recommendation and the only way to ensure it will work. Any other site - at your own risk.

Click your mouse where you need to put the image in your signature, and click the image icon on the toolbar.

Click the Upload tab, Choose the file, Select the image you want to upload and Click Send it to the server.

How to insert an image already uploaded

Click the Image Info tab and then click Browse Server:

Quality of images in the signature

Xink doesn't change your images and thus doesn't change its quality.

Xink doesn't change your images at all. It will show the image in your signature in the same quality and with the precise number of pixels as you uploaded it in Xink.

If you notice that the quality is worse after the email is sent via Outlook, that is Outlook limitation, not Xink. Outlook scales images to 220 PPI after the email is sent in Outlook, so if your uploaded images don't meet this requirement, you can be affected by the blurry image on the recipient side.

How to add one of the built-in templates

Click the SIGNATURES menu and choose Templates in the left nav menu.

Then click on the gear wheel opposite the template you like and select 'Add to My Signature folder'.

You'll find this template in the top main menu when you click the SIGNATURES section.

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