How to prepare your email signature images for dark mode

Dark Mode is a popular UI innovation among users. It is available in many devices and software today. This is a setting that users can use to "flip" the screen. While programs may have white circles and black text, dark mode devices will have dark gray circles (not true black) and white text. It doesn't turn everything on the screen like a blurry picture, pictures still appear normal, and some programs like games don't put dark mode at all.

Since there is no exact solution to fix your email signature in dark mode by adding some tags or creating another style, you can carefully consider what you add to your email signature to optimize it for dark mode. 

Here are a few things we recommend: Compare your logo with other images  In general, we recommend using icons with a good background (PNG, not GIF).

This eliminates the unsightly white box that would appear in dark conditions. The problem is that when a logo uses black or dark text, the elements of the logo (usually the company name!) can get lost or obscured by the background. If you can, choose a version of your logo that uses bright colors that contrast with both white and dark backgrounds. If that's not possible, consider adding a white or bright stroke around the letters or dark elements. This white shade will not be visible on a white background but will help make dark characters more readable on a dark background. 

Here's a set of examples that you can do on Photoshop or Illustrator to put emphasis on your logo in Dark mode:

When adding strokes / outline please do take note that it should be place outside as offset, to avoid having unnecessary white thickness outline on the origin state of the logo/text.

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