How to enforce a company policy by eliminating all user-created email signatures

You designed a professional company email signature and deployed it to all staff. Still, you want to ensure that no one is getting creative with their own, breaking company policy. 

Can I get rid of all existing email signatures except those I manage via Xink?

You sure can!

Click on your Gear icon in the top right corner of your screen > click Preferences > tab General > Preferences > Select 'Delete signatures not set as default/reply/optional' > Save.

  • Staff can ONLY use email signatures set as default/reply/optional in your Xink account. It's a global setting for all email signatures in Xink.
  • When you DO NOT select 'Delete all email signatures not created in Xink', your employees can still use their signatures and use signatures applied in the past. Xink will automatically overwrite default/reply signatures, but your employees could select their homemade signatures.

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