The Dashboard Campaign Analytics

Email signature marketing is the most successful way to catch the attention of your customers and potential customers. 

Of course, all successful marketing must be measured, which is where Xink Campaign analytics comes in.

You can also combine the built-in tracking with Google Analytics tracking > Learn more.

Campaign Click-Throughs

  • Campaigns show the number of campaigns that are running in the selected time.
  • Click-Throughs (CT) show how often the campaign has clicked on, sending traffic to your website or other resources.
  • Views show how many times the campaign has been viewed. (Forwards and Replies are also tracked.)
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) is the number of clicks divided by the volume (Opens).
    1% CTR is good. 5% CTR is excellent. Below 0.5% CTR, you should consider improving your campaign and Call To Action, maybe adding a button to your banner with a clear CTA.

Below the graph, you see your top 5 performing email campaigns and your top 5 performing employee email senders at a glance.

Top-performing email campaigns are the most clickable campaigns.

Top-performing employee email senders are the employees who got the highest number of clicks on the campaigns in their emails.

Download campaign analytics

You can Download campaign opens/clicks for all employees/staff when you click the gear icon:

Email signature Updates

  • Employees show the total number of employees in your Account.
  • Active Employees are the number of employees who got their email signatures updated once.
  • Signatures show the total number of signatures in your Account.
  • The last day's update is the number of all employees' signatures updated during this day (starting from midnight till UTC) in all environments/email clients.

Email Statistics > Gain insights into your customers

Learn what email clients your customers use and where they read your email.
This gives you insights not only into optimizing your Xink Campaign but also into optimizing your emails in general to reach your customers the best way.

  • If only 20% read emails on their phones, you might choose not to compromise and design for desktops.
  • If 50% read emails on their phones, you should make your campaign mobile-friendly (320px width).

Note that keeping the statistics is possible only from emails that contain email signatures with campaigns.

Exclude internal traffic from campaign analytics

Of course, your company sends emails internally. Filter by your external IP addresses to exclude internal emails so your results are purely those of your target audience. 

Preferences > General > IP Exclusion.

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