Which Google admin role is used for integration with Xink?
Either Groups admin or Super Admin role.
Admin passwords are never entered in Xink, you authenticate with Google, not with Xink.
We only need the email address to verify who has access to retrieve the signatures stored in Xink.
Do we store any passwords?
No. We do not store any passwords (no risk)
We ask only for the username of an account with at least a 'Groups admin' role, nothing more.
How are admin roles?
Permissions granted to the Xink service are controlled in Google’s panel described in this support article.
Admin rights are not granted to Xink.
Learn more in this FAQ for G Suite.
How to assign an admin role?
Sign in to the Google Admin console from https://admin.google.com.
- Click Admin Roles icon and click "Assign admin"
- Select a user whom you'd like to grant a Groups admin role. Here you will be able to manage the administrative roles and privileges of this user.
You can now use this account for Xink integration.