Email signature design services

We are happy to help you with your first email signature and convert it into suitable HTML code for improved deliverability and compatibility. 

Why waste a beautiful design with poor HTML code when with a little bit of effort, you can get your email signature in front of the people that matter most – your clients, peers, prospects, and industry associates? 

You can rest easy knowing that all of your handiwork is being seen. And ultimately, isn’t that the point of an email signature? To be seen by others so that you can make a lasting impression? 

The design service is perfect when: 

  • You are a Xink client
  • You don't already have an email signature that works great
  • You received a new email signature design which is an image
  • You have all icons/images in the dimension (height/width) you want to use in your design
  • You have all icons/images in 220 PPI resolution
  • The built-in templates do not help you get started
  • The built-in designer does not do the job 

The design service works with the following:

  • Desktop email clients (like Outlook and Apple Mail)
  • Browser-based email clients (like Outlook and Gmail)
  • Mobile devices (like iPhone or Android)

The design service consists of the following:

  • We can help you convert your design into a proper HTML email signature
  • We'll add the email signature to your Xink account.

    Xink is not a design agency. We are a software company, so we cannot help you with your actual graphical design. So please don’t ask us to improve your logo files or scale them, change DPI size or anything like that – we expect you have already done this.

How to get started

  1. Create a support ticket here on our Help Desk. - and select What's this about to "Design and signature template" or "Campaigns" so that one of our designers can assist. 
  2. Refer to your Xink account name or the email you use when logging in to your Xink account (so that we can identify you as a client).
  3. Attach your design which can be a .PNG, .JPG or a .PDF (No AI or vector files is accepted).
  4. Send us all the images in the correct dimension you need in your design. 
    Note that images should be 220 PPI, .PNG, .JPG format.
  5. Indicate which font type / size / color (hex code) we should implement in your signature.
    If you use a custom font in your signature, please specify the fallback fonts as well.
  6. Insert all static texts and hyperlinks you want to see in the signature.

This way, we know exactly how you and your designer want your email signature to look.

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