How to update the email signature for Gmail

  1. If your company has a corporate Google Account (Google Workspace), you can centrally manage Gmail signatures.
  2. You grant Xink the required Google API permission to inject the user's signature through Google API.

    No re-routing of your company emails!
    and a No privacy concerns, straightforward and transparent process
    No risk!
  3. Users will be able to see or preview their email signature when they click 'Compose'

NOTE: The 'No signature' setting in Gmail will not be overwritten and must be changed by the user.

For more information, please also read our FAQ about Google Workspace and Gmail.

Which email signature is applied in Gmail?

In the Xink portal >> Signature tab, the selected New/default signature template for each user under the Xink Employee tab or the default signature assigned via Xink Signature Rules; otherwise, the company default/New will be applied.

How to set the reply/forward signatures in Gmail:

  1. You should go to the general settings in Gmail.
  2. Scroll down to the section 'Signature'.
  3. Select the signature from the drop-down list 'On reply/forward use'.
  4. Scroll to the very bottom of the page and hit 'Save'.
  5. Reload the page, create a reply message in your Gmail, and you will see the set signature.

How often are Gmail email signatures updated?

Xink updates the Gmail signatures within one hour.
You must wait at least one hour before you can see the signatures.

Which users' signatures are updated in Gmail?

New users must be added/imported to Xink - Learn how to read users from Google Directory..

Users with assigned new/default email signatures from the Xink portal will get their Gmail signature updated accordingly.
Xink can update the Gmail signatures of any users from any Organization Unit or Domain as long as they are hosted within one Google Workspace tenant.

We can split licensing across Xink accounts for enterprise companies with more than one domain.

Step 1 - Google Workspace admin console task

With the credentials used to administer your Google accounts, sign in to the Google Admin console at

  1. Go to Security > API controls

  2. Under the Domain Wide Delegation section, click MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION.

  3. Click Add New. Copy and paste the following text into the required fields.

    Client ID Field:
    0Auth scopes (comma-delimited) Field:,

    Xink requires two Gmail API Scopes -> Learn More about Gmail API

  4. Click the "Authorize"You will now see the entry added to the list.

Step 2 - Xink Portal Task

  1.  Login to Xink portal and go to Preference > Integration > Google Workspace.
    Click the Enable checkbox, enter your Google Workspace admin account with at least [User, Groups > Read] permissions and click Save.

  2. Wait for one hour, log in to your Gmail account and click new email to test and see if you now have the Xink signature applied. 

Learn more:

IT Pro: How to read users from Google Directory

What is a verified third-party app?

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