IT Pro: Deploy Xink ADMX File via GPO Template (Xink Token ID)

Ensure you have deployed the Xink MSI Package via GPO (Xink Client)

  1. First download ADM-file from Xink Portal.

    Go to 'Preferences' and click 'Downloads'.

    Click "Step 2 - IT: Obtain the ADMX template (HKLM registry)" new window will open:

    Click Get .ADMX to download or create one if there is no available token:

  2. Access your domain controller and paste the ADMX under C:\Windows\Policy Definition:


    If you have your own central store you may change the location.

    You can also find this path by logging into your domain controller and browsing to this path - C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\YOURDOMAIN\Policies:

  3. Copy the ADML file and paste it under C:\Windows\Policy Definition\en-US:

  4. Open your Group Policy Management Console and create a policy for your Domain token:

  5. Edit the created policy and go to Computer Configuration - Policies - Administrative Templates - Xink Client Configuration. Edit the policy settings and select enabled:

  6. Finally, login to one of the target PC and run 'gpupdate /force' on the command prompt.

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